Monday, October 16, 2023

Blog #10 Living in the Age of AI


    To say our future in technology all came down to a Chinese board game, Go, seems a little far-fetched, however, this is what changed our perspectives on the applicability of AI. Watching the film IN THE AGE OF AI  gave me a whole new perspective on the extent of what AI is capable of. The computer playing the game of GO completely changed the top players' whole concept of what was possible in the game, all in one move. This life-altering technology is so profound, it is even helping to improve the health research in our nation. Scientists are able to predict and catch stages of Breast cancer earlier now with an added consistency. It is allowing scientists to use a form of AI technology in breast screenings to provide quick and more accurate results for those at risk. 

    As we see in this film, there is often this conception that the lack of job is due to outsources, but in reality, it is only affecting 20% of the job market, it is AI and automation that is really causing a shift in AI. So many companies are increasing their automation because there is a serious increase in production and no increase in wages. What truly surprised me, was how it is taking away jobs that women typically hold. One study from the University of North Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler Business School suggests that almost eight out of every ten women workers could be affected. Our economy is going to be seriously affected if we can’t recuperate from these shifts in jobs. 

    At the forefront of all of these advances in technology and AI, 4 major companies are leading. These companies hold the majority of our popular technology products, and in turn the majority of our data. As we move forward with the advancement in AI, the need for our protection against companies taking advantage becomes more pressing. The film comes to an important point that we have the right to know, the right to say no, and the right to have a 3rd party opt-out, with 80% of the population in agreement with this need for privacy law. 

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