Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Blog #5- EOTO Reaction

The timeline of commutation has continuously evolved, but being able to put into perspective the key moments our society has changed due to innovation, was enlightening. My presentation was on the history of the newspaper which was further back in history compared to some of the key moments my classmates chose, however, the base on which technology and society need to share information has continuously built on similar concepts. The invention of the fountain pen led to a smoother writing process and stimulation of ideas, leading to the printing press, which was the foundation of the newspaper, the newspaper is now incorporated into a digital form that wouldn't have happened without the invention of the web, the connections could go on forever. 

I was intrigued by my classmate's presentation on the typewriter. This invention was what brought ease of writing away from traditional handwriting. The first book published on a typewriter was done by Mark Twain. However, what I truly loved to learn was how this was what brought women into the workplace. So, not only was the new form of technology a transformative invention for communication, but also societal standards. Women were able to get a foot in the door into business, whereas, before, this was a less common practice.   

Being able to see the positive effects of this invention now is much easier than when it was first invented. The typewriter was a heavy machine that had a few different models before it became common. People during this time were used to writing with a pen. However, I think the convenience this invention brought and being able to decrease the time it would take to write something was what really helped to easly gain the traction it needed to be a revolutionary communication product. It would stay around because there was nothing else like it, and it continues to influence our invention now, considering how our keyboards are set up the same way. 

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