Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Blogg #6 Anti-War Voices

UkraineIraq, Syria... all countries of war currently, and yet why are involved? That is what the Antiwar and The American Conservative websites are asking. Each of these blogs is of a strong Anti-war voice. The AntiWar blog was developed to promote the idea of non-interventionism. The page's initial goal was to fight against intervention in the Balkans, and they have continued that same ideology into more current issues of war. The American Conservatives was founded in 2002 to discuss what they believe to be the best quality of America. They are promoting a "main street" movement to educate modern political and cultural leaders. These current advocates are not shown much or promoted in mainstream media. 

War is a hot topic in the media these days, and the sensalization of news has only made this an even bigger case. News sources want to get people's attention, they need viewers, what more jarring cause than war? Once they get your attention many sources will keep working to get viewers' attention. As we talked about in class with the collection of data it is easy to track who is looking at what and continuously promoting related content. This can cause echo chambers on social media, and from other news sources as well. One study found that 17% of Americans get their news only from one political-leaning TV source. 

When people only get their news sources from one point of view, their opinions and beliefs are skewed to one side of an issue. However, this isn't the only reason we may not be hearing these issues. When I tried to find other sources or research done on why these anti-war sites are not as prominent in mainstream media, no sources were to be found. This leads me to believe this is because the issues haven't reached and gained enough support from the population, or this idea is being suppressed in order to not give people another perspective. 

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